2019| Pro-D SMILE Camp | Oct 25th

Looking for fun eco-activities for your students and kids to do on Pro-D Day? Green Chair Recycling is running a day-camp all about learning on how to lead a minimal waste lifestyle, making easy’n’healthy vegetarian foods, repurposing recyclable materials to make eco-art and story-telling! Registration is open to ages 11-14.


Please e-mail for any questions.

Thank you for your interest. Unfortunately the deadline for sign up has passed. However, that doesn't mean you can't still make a difference! Check out our other volunteer opportunities, follow us on social media and stay enviromentally conscious every day. #gogreenchair


Event Info


October 25th, 2019


268 Keefer Street, Vancouver, BC

Come out with Green Chair Recycling and help lead a ZERO WASTE event! #gogreenchair